
ECC monthly news summary for April 2015

This summary provides a round up of the main outcomes of ECC Working Group and Project Team meetings and events which have taken place in April 2015.


Included this month:

8-9 April: SE21 progresses work on the characterisation of unwanted emissions
8-9 April: SE7 finalises its compatibility studies on PPDR at 400 MHz and at 700 MHz
13-15 April: SE 24 progresses on compatibility studies related to SRDs
14 April: CPG organised a second EC/CEPT workshop on European preparation for WRC-15
14-15 April: SE 19 concludes work on joint use of the 6 and 7 GHz bands for FS P-P links
15-16 April: SE 40 discusses a possible new measurements campaign of Iridium unwanted emissions into RAS band
15-17 April: SRD/MG updates regulations for SRDs, ITS, PMR 446 and UWB LT2
20-21 April: FM 54 finalises the Report on guidance for the coexistence between GSM-R and MFCN
20-21 April: ECC PT1 finalises draft Recommendations on cross-border coordination for MFCN
21-24 April: CPG PTD finalises draft ECPS for WRC-15 on new bands for IMT and on the use of the band 694-790 MHz
21 April: FM53 reviews the results of public consultation on the regulatory framework for TV White Space using geolocation database
21-24 April: CPG PTC finalises some draft ECPs for WRC-15 items on maritime and aeronautical issues22-23 April: WG NaN approves for consultation a draft Report on 3rd party use of NP data
23-24 April: draft Report from FM 49 on harmonised conditions and bands for BB-PPDR under finalisation
27-30 April: CPG-PTA completes first draft ECPs for WRC-15 items on science services and regulatory issues
28-30 April: FM 44 finalises work on enhanced access to spectrum for FSS uncoordinated Earth Stations in the 17.7-19.7 GHz band

8-9 April 2015 – The Spectrum Engineering Project Team SE21, addressing unwanted emissions, met in Strunjan, Slovenia

SE21 continued developing the draft ECC Report on the review of the characterisation of the unwanted emissions to achieve a more efficient use of the spectrum. In particular, SE21 agreed to develop a new section containing a comparison between the results from measurement campaigns for some type of equipment with the corresponding regulatory limits. This would help in identifying any element potentially missing in the current ECC regulations on unwanted emissions.

SE21 initiated its work on a new item on the collection of relevant receiver parameters and established a liaison with ETSI on this matter.

More details are available on the SE21 webpage.

8-9 April 2015 – The Spectrum Engineering Project Team SE 7, responsible for compatibility and sharing issues of the mobile systems (except IMT), met at the ECO, Copenhagen, Denmark

This meeting was dedicated to the compatibility studies for broadband Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) applications in the 400 and 700 MHz ranges. The activities focussed on the development of the summaries and conclusions of the two respective draft ECC Reports. Both draft Reports will be considered at the Working Group Spectrum Engineering meeting (WG SE, 4-8 May 2015) for approval for public consultation.

Details on these items and on other activities are available on the SE7 webpage.

13-15 April 2015 – The Spectrum Engineering Project Team SE 24, responsible for compatibility studies related to Short Range Devices (SRD), met in Ispra, Italy

SE24 amended slightly draft ECC Report 234 on the Ultra Wide Band Low Duty Cycle (UWB LDC) mitigation techniques which had been under public consultation. The resulting version will be submitted to the May 2015 meeting of WG SE for approval for publication.

SE24 also further developed its work on:

  • compatibility studies related to Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs) in the band 5725-5925 MHz, focussing on compatibility between RLAN and the fixed-satellite service (FSS);
  • SRDs with duty cycle up to 2.5% in the band 870-875.6 MHz;
  • improvements for SRDs in the 862-870 MHz including the investigation of the potential use of new SRD applications;
  • compatibility studies related to road tolling applications (DSRC) in the 5805-5815 MHz band.

Details on these items and on other activities are available on the SE 24 webpage.

14 April 2015 − The Conference Preparatory Group (CPG), lead group for the CEPT preparation for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15), jointly organised a second European Commission-CEPT workshop in Mainz, Germany

Around 60 participants gathered together for this second EC-CEPT joint workshop on the European preparations for the ITU World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15).

The main objective of this second workshop was to present the preparatory work to date in the EU and CEPT contexts and to trigger participants’ reaction in order to provide an input to CEPT in the finalisation of the European Common Proposals to the WRC-15 and to assist in confirming the EU policy objectives.

Further information is available from the CEPT Workshop page.

14-15 April 2015 – The Spectrum Engineering Project Team SE 19, dealing with fixed service (FS), met at ETSI, Sophia-Antipolis, France

SE19 resolved the comments received during the public consultation on draft ECC Report 235 on the feasibility of joint use of the adjacent bands 5.925-6.4255.925-6.425 GHz and 6.425-7.1256.425-7.125 GHz for Point-to-Point (P-P) links on a long term basis. A revised draft ECC Report will be presented to the May 2015 meeting of WG SE for final approval for publication.

SE19 considered an overview of the CEPT members’ progress in populating the ECO Frequency Information System (EFIS) with up-to-date information on the national implementation of ERC/ECC Recommendations related to the Fixed Service.

More details are available on the SE19 webpage.

15-16 April 2015 – The Spectrum Engineering Project Team SE 40, responsible for space services compatibility studies, met in London, United Kingdom

SE 40 considered the responses from the public consultation on draft ECC Report 232 on compatibility between Fixed Service (FS) and Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS) in the band 17.7-19.7 GHz and draft ECC Report 233 on compatibility studies for aeronautical Complementary Ground Components (CGC) systems operating in the bands 1980-2010 MHz and 2170-2200 MHz. As a result, SE 40 developed a revised version of both draft Reports for final approval for publication at the May 2015 meeting of WG SE.

SE 40 also discussed the possibility to initiate a new measurement campaign from the Leeheim satellite monitoring station to assess the unwanted emissions form the Iridium NEXT satellites in the Radio Astronomy frequency band 1610.6-1613.8 MHz. Because of different views on the best timing for such measurements, the matter will be raised at the May 2015 meeting of WG SE for guidance.

Further information is available on the SE40 webpage.

15-17 April 2015 – The Frequency Management Short Range Devices Maintenance Group (SRD/MG) met in Ispra, Italy

In response to concerns addressed by several CEPT administrations and road tolling stakeholders in the recent WGFM and ECC meetings, SRD/MG developed alternative versions of the draft revised ECC Decision (08)01 (Intelligent Transport Systems – ITS – in the band 5875-5905 MHz) and of the draft ECC Recommendation (08)01 (ITS in the band 5855-5875 MHz). The aim is to provide a further option to the ECC when considering both draft deliverables for final approval for publication at its next meeting (30 June-3 July 2015).

Concerning Recommendation 70-03, SRD/MG considered and resolved the comments from the public consultation related to the update of three annexes: Annex 2 (Tracking, Tracing and Data Acquisition Applications), Annex 5 (Transport and Traffic Telematics Applications) and Annex 6 (Radio-determination Applications). The outcome will be considered by the Working Group Frequency Management (WG FM) in May 2015 for approval for publication.

In addition, SRD/MG agreed an update of the Annex 10 (radio microphones including aids for the hearing impaired) of Recommendation 70-03 to include a new entry for ALDs (Assistive Listening Devices) in the band 173.965-216 MHz. It is submitted to the May meeting of WG FM for approval for public consultation.

SRD-MG resolved the comments from the public consultation and produced an amended version of the following draft deliverables:

  • new draft ECC Decision on the harmonised use of the band 446.0-446.2446.0-446.2 MHz for analogue and digital PMR 446 applications;
  • draft revised ECC Recommendation (11)09 on UWB LT2 (Location Tracking Type 2);
  • new draft ECC Report 230 on the harmonisation possibilities for Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) in the Band 174-216 MHz.

SRD/MG also agreed to submit to the next WGFM meeting the draft revision of ECC Decision (09)01 on ITS applications in the band 63-64 GHz for adoption to public consultation.

SRD/MG developed a new draft ECC Decision on the use of the band 76-77 GHz for obstacle detection radars for helicopter use for submission to WG FM for endorsement. It is proposed that the June-July 2015 meeting of ECC should adopt the new ECC Decision for public consultation.

SRD/MG also continued its work towards the development of a draft CEPT Report in response to the EC Mandate on the 6th update of the Commission Decision on SRDs. In this context, SRD/MG identified the required technical studies for applications under general authorisation (SRDs, DECT) in the 1900-1920 MHz band.

For further details on these items and other activities, see the SRD/MG webpage.

20-21 April 2015 – The Frequency Management Project Team FM 54, dealing with Private/Professional Land Mobile Systems, especially for the Railways, had its fifth meeting in Biel, Switzerland

FM 54 considered and resolved the comments received during the public consultation on draft ECC Report 229 on guidance for improving coexistence between Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway (GSM-R) and Mobile Fixed Communications Network (MFCN). The amended version of the draft will be considered at WG FM meeting in May 2015 for final approval for publication.

FM54 further developed the draft ECC Report on the ‘Current Use, Future Opportunities and Guidance to Administrations for the 400MHz PMR/PAMR’. It is expected that work on this new ECC Report will be completed in early/mid 2016.

More details are available on the FM 54 webpage.

20-21 April 2015 – The ECC Project Team PT1 on IMT and other communications networks in the mobile and fixed services met in Vilnius, Lithuania

ECC PT1 completed its work on two deliverables related to cross-border coordination for mobile/fixed communications networks (MFCN): the draft revised ECC Recommendation (15)01 (addressing the bands 694-790 MHz, 1452-1492 MHz, 3400-3600 MHz and 3600-3800 MHz) and the draft revised ERC Recommendation 01-01 (covering the 1920-1980 MHz and 2110-2170 MHz bands). Both documents are submitted to the WG FM meeting in May 2015 for approval for public consultation.

ECC PT1 made good progress on a new draft ECC Report on compatibility studies related to Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications in the bands 733-736 MHz/788-791 MHz.

Work is also progressing on the revision of ECC Decision (08)08 related to mobile communication on-board vessels (MCV) and on the development of a draft ECC Report providing operational guidelines for spectrum sharing to support the implementation of the current ECC framework in the 3.6 -3.8 GHz range.

More details are available on the ECC PT1 webpage.

21-24 April 2015 – The Conference Preparatory Group Project Team D (which is preparing for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15) on WRC-15 agenda items 1.1 and 1.2) had its ninth meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania

The meeting further developed the draft European Common Proposals (ECP) on WRC-15 Agenda Items 1.1 (additional spectrum for the mobile service and IMT) and 1.2 (use of the frequency band 694-790 MHz by the mobile service) and amended the corresponding draft CEPT Briefs for both items.

Agenda Item 1.1
The draft ECPs covering the supported bands for IMT have been merged into two ECPs, one addressing the range 1427-1518 MHz and the second for the band 3400-3800 MHz. Both contain the relevant associated regulatory provisions and will be considered at the June 2015 meeting of CPG for final adoption.

CPG PTD finalised the draft ECPs proposing no change for the following frequency bands:

  • 470-694 MHz, 1 300- 1 350 MHz, 1 350-1 400 MHz, 1 518-1 525 MHz, 1 695-1 710 MHz, 2 010 2 1102 010 2 110 MHz, 2 200-2 290 MHz, 2 900-3 100 MHz, 3 300-3 400 MHz, 3 800-4 200 MHz; 4 400-4 500 MHz, 4 500 4 800 MHz, 4 800-5 000 MHz, 5 350-5 4705 350-5 470 MHz, 5 725-5 850 MHz and 5 925-6 4255 925-6 425 MHz.

    They will be considered at the June 2015 meeting of CPG for final adoption.

Agenda item 1.2

CPG PTD finalised the draft ECP, which confirms the proposed lower band edge of the considered mobile allocation (i.e. 694 MHz) and the conditions for compatibility between the mobile service and the broadcasting service. Additional provisions have been included to accommodate the requirements of the applications ancillary to broadcasting. Concerning the conditions for compatibility between the mobile service and the aeronautical radionavigation, two alternative proposals have been developed. The draft ECP will be considered at the June 2015 meeting of CPG for final adoption.

In addition, CPG PTD initiated the revision of the Resolution 224 (Frequency bands for IMT below 1 GHz). It will be further developed at the next meeting.

Further details are available on the CPG PTD webpage. Please check the CPG page for additional information about CEPT preparations for WRC-15 (including latest versions of draft CEPT Briefs).

21 April 2015 – The Frequency Management Project Team FM53, dealing with Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS) and Licensed Shared Access (LSA), met in Maisons-Alfort, France

FM 53 considered the responses from the public consultation on the draft ECC Report 236 addressing the regulatory framework for TV White Space Devices (TV WSD) using geolocation database and guidance for its national implementation and amended the draft Report accordingly. It will be submitted to the WG FM meeting in May 2015 for final approval for publication.

This concludes the activities of the Project Team.

Further information is available on the FM53 webpage.

21-24 April 2015 – The Conference Preparatory Group Project Team C, preparing for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15) on items related to aeronautical, maritime, radiodetermination and radio amateur issues, had a meeting in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

CPG PTC finalised the draft ECPs (European Common Proposal) on WRC-15 agenda items 1.15 (provisions for a more efficient usage of the existing frequencies for on-board communication stations in the maritime mobile service for safe ship operations), 1.16 (new Automatic Identification System technology applications for maritime radiocommunication) and 1.17 (spectrum and regulatory actions to support wireless avionics intra-communications (WAIC)).

They will be considered at the June 2015 meeting of CPG for final adoption.

On the three agenda items, where diverging views still remain, CPG PTC has developed the following material for further consideration at the June 2015 meeting of CPG:

  • Concerning agenda item 1.4 (amateur service within the band 5250-5450 kHz), the draft brief has been updated, mainly to elaborate on the possible implementation of mitigation techniques in systems in the amateur service, which would support the draft ECP proposing to allocate the band 5 350 - 5 4505 350 - 5 450 kHz to the amateur service on a secondary basis.
  • Concerning agenda item 1.5 (use of frequency bands allocated to the fixed-satellite service (FSS) for the control and non-payload communications of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)), PTC further developed the two options for the draft ECP: one proposing no change to the Radio Regulations and the other, proposing a draft Resolution describing the conditions for the use of some bands allocated to the FSS for control and non-payload communications of UAS.
  • Concerning agenda item 1.18 (primary allocation to the Radiolocation service in the band 77.5 -78.0 GHz in support to automotive applications), PTC developed two options for the draft ECP: one proposes a primary allocation to the radiolocation service in the frequency band 77.5 – 78 GHz with associated technical limits for radiolocation stations ; the second one proposes a primary allocation to the radiolocation service in the frequency band 77.5 – 78 GHz, an upgrade of the radioastronomy service in the same frequency band, anda Resolution inviting ITU-R to conduct further studies.

As a result of the decision from the ITU Plenipotentiary conference asking WRC-15 to consider the issue of global flight tracking, CPG PTC has continued the development of a draft CEPT brief on the topic, which requires further consideration.

Further details are available on the CPG PTC webpage. Please check the CPG page for additional information about CEPT preparation for WRC-15 (including latest versions of draft CEPT Briefs).

22-23 April 2015 – The Working Group Numbering and Networks (WG NaN) had its tenth meeting at ETSI, Sophia-Antipolis, France

WG NaN approved for publication two new deliverables:

  • ECC Recommendation (15)02 – Guidelines for fundamental changes to national numbering and dialling plans
  • ECC Recommendation(15)03 - Provision of Comparable Information on Retail Internet Access Service Quality 

WG NaN also approved for public consultation Draft ECC Report 238 on third party use of Number Portability (NP) data.

This meeting held at the ETSI headquarters also offered the opportunity to foster closer collaboration between WG NaN and ETSI NTECH, which is the ETSI technical committee responsible for standards related to numbering, naming, addressing and routing.

Details on these items and on other activities are available on the WG NaN webpage.

23-24 April 2015 – The Frequency Management Project Team FM 49, dealing with spectrum for Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) applications, met in Oslo, Norway

FM 49 further progressed with the development of draft ECC Report 218 on the harmonised conditions and spectrum bands for the implementation of future European broadband PPDR systems. The draft ECC Report contains spectrum options for broadband PPDR in the 410-430 MHz, 450-470 MHz, and a total of six options in the 700 MHz frequency range.

The draft Report will be finalised by correspondence for submission at the May 2015 meeting of WG FM meeting for approval for public consultation.

Further information is available on the FM 49 webpage.

27-30 April 2015 – The Conference Preparatory Group Project Team A, (which is preparing for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 (WRC-15) focussing mainly on general regulatory issues and on items related to science services) had a meeting in Douglas, Isle of Man, United Kingdom

CPG PTA completed the draft ECPs (European Common Proposals) on the following WRC-15 items under its responsibility:

  • Agenda item 1.11: PTA refined its proposal for a primary allocation for the EESS (Earth exploration-satellite service) (Earth-to-space) in the 7190-7250 MHz band, with suitable limitations and regulatory provisions.
  • Agenda item 1.12: PTA completed the draft ECP which proposes new allocations to the EESS (active) in the frequency bands 9.2-9.3 GHz and 9.9-10.4 GHz bands in order to extend the existing allocation in the 9.3-9.9 GHz band.
  • Agenda item 1.13: review of the conditions of use of the 410-420 MHz band by the space research service (space-to-space).
  • PTA agreed on proposals for no change to the Radio regulations under agenda items 9.1.4 (Updating and rearrangement of the Radio Regulations) and 9.1.6 (review of the definitions of fixed service, fixed station and mobile station).
  • Agenda item 2: review of ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference.
  • Agenda item 9.1.7: PTA agreed on an update of the regulatory framework addressing the spectrum management guidelines for emergency and disaster relief radiocommunication.
  • Agenda item 9.1.8: PTA agreed that there is no need to change the Radio Regulations to to enable the deployment and operation of nanosatellites and picosatellites. In addition, PTA developed a draft ITU-R Resolution for submission to the Radiocommunication Assembly 2015 in order to improve the dissemination of knowledge concerning the applicable regulatory procedures for small satellites, including nanosatellites and picosatellites.


These draft ECPs will be considered at the June 2015 meeting of CPG for final adoption.

Concerning broadband public protection and disaster relief (PPDR) dealt with under agenda item 1.3, PTA has developed two alternative proposals for further consideration. Both consist in reviewing Resolution 646, but they differ in how they address the frequency ranges for PPDR operations and how they are inter-related with Recommendation ITU‑R M. 2015.

Concerning the studies on the feasibility of achieving a continuous reference time-scale (agenda item 1.14), no consensus has been reached yet within PTA and three alternative ECPs have been developed for consideration and guidance at the June 2015 meeting of CPG.

PTA continued its activities on the consideration of proposals for WRC-19 agenda items (WRC-15 agenda item 10) and developed an initial version of the corresponding draft ECP for further consideration.

Further details are available on the CPG PTA webpage. Please check the CPG page for additional information about CEPT preparation for WRC-15 (including the latest versions of draft ECPs and CEPT Briefs).

28-30 April 2015 – The Frequency Management Project Team FM 44, dealing with satellite communications, met in Zagreb, Croatia

FM 44 completed the development of a draft ECC Report on enhanced access to spectrum for Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS) uncoordinated Earth Stations in the 17.7-19.7 GHz band. As a result, FM44 also revised the Decision (00)07 on the shared use of the band 17.7-19.7 GHz by the fixed service and Earth stations of the FSS. Both draft deliverables will be submitted to the WG FM meeting (18-22 May 2015) for approval for public consultation.

FM 44 noted that no comment was received during the public consultation related to draft ECC Decision (15)DD on Earth Stations On Mobile Platforms (ESOMPs) operating with NGSO FSS satellite systems in the frequency range 17.3-20.2 GHz, 27.5-29.1 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz. The draft ECC Decision will be considered for approval for publication at the next ECC meeting (30 June-3 July).

Details on these items and on other activities are available on the FM 44 webpage.

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