
Results of FM44#37 held in January 2016

26 Jan 2016, 14:45
1. Uncoordinated FSS receive station in Ka band (17.7-19.7 GHz) (FM44_14)
FM44 reviewed the draft ECC Report 247 taking into account comments (from Spain) received during PC by WGFM. Participants discussed and agreed that future updates of the information related to FS links contained at national web-sites will be updated at the topics page at the CEPT portal. ECC Report 247 will be kept untouched.
FM44 will send the draft ECC Report 247 for WGFM meeting for final approval and publishing at the CEPT web portal.

2. Revised ERC/DEC(00)07 (FM44_23)
ERC/DEC(00)07 was reviewed taking into account comments (from France) received during PC by WGFM.
FM44 will send the revised ERC/DEC(00)07 for WGFM meeting for approval and presenting for final approval at the ECC meeting.

3. Carrier Identification (CID) (FM44_24)
Representatives of authorities using CID methodologies had a presentation at FM44 meeting demonstrating usefulness of the approach.
There was a discussion regarding creation of decision to implement CID based on the findings of the draft ECC Report on CID. Due to the fact that not all administrations taking part in FM44 meeting were ready to support the initiative, meeting recommended UK should submit their proposal to open WI for the next WGFM meeting seeking support of four administrations in order get an approval.
Chairman invited interested parties to send their comment on the draft ECC Report to rapporteur until the next meeting in order to finalise it.

4. Earth stations near airfields (Proposed new WI)

Chairman informed about results of two meetings with EASA (aeronautical regulatory authorities). Important information conveyed by avionic authorities was that all flight critical systems shall be tested according to current regulation and this rule to be applied to new and old aeroplanes. FM44 discussed the possibility to create a new WI, starting with the new/correct assumptions regarding aircraft protection. Sweden mentioned that on their territory the issue of aircraft protection is addressed by the regulator only outside the airport (at the territory of the airport protection is ensured by civil aviation authorities).
Inmarsat proposed that WG FM PT44 requests WGFM the creation of a new Work Item with the view to revise ECC Report 66 for inclusion of new scenarios of satellite terminal operation near and within airfields and to take into account electric field strength limits specified by EASA. Consequential step could be needed to review decisions relevant to VSAT, HEST, LEST, AES, ESOMPs.
New WI was accepted by the FM44 meeting to be forwarded for WGFM for final approval. This new WI was developed based on the conclusions from the #35 and #36 FM 44 meetings with Airbus and EASA representatives and contributions from Inmarsat and Viasat. The aim of this work is a revision of ECC Report 066 “Protection of Aircraft from Satellite earth Stations operating on the ground in the vicinity of Airfields”. FM44 is planning to work together with aviation authorities and SE40.

5. ESOMPs:
a) Ku Band NGSO ESOMPs 
Presentation was made by OneWeb explaining functionality of the new satellite network. Switzerland required studies in bands mentioned in the proposed document. Germany and the Netherlands are supporting the studies but expressed concern about FS service. UK requested to remove mentioning of ‘exemption of individual licencing’ from the WI as according to their regulation all equipment on board of airplane requires radio licence. UK mentioned that they are supporting studies on the basis that results will be also presented at the ITU level in order to have similar regulation worldwide. FM44 decided to open a new WI on NSGO systems in FSS allocation (for fixed and moving platforms) and develop ECC Decision/Report on similar to GSO one. Text was developed will be send for WG FM approval. FM44 also developed 2 LS to be sent by WGFM to WGSE to initiate technical studies: 

  • in order to support the development of an ECC Decision on ES operating with NGSO satellite systems in the band 14-14.5 GHz (for fixed and moving platforms); 
  • between NGSO fixed and moving Earth stations in the FSS frequency band 12.75-13.25 GHz (Earth-to-space) and stations of other services including FS. 


b) Ku band GSO ESOMPs 12.75-13.25 GHz
This issue was considered based on Intelsat proposal to use 12.75 – 13.25 GHz band for Aircraft Earth stations. Sweden, Switzerland and Greece are having difficulties in this band due to extensive usage of FS in this band. FS is heavily used in Lithuania and Norway in this band. FM44 agreed to develop a LS to be sent by WGFM to WGSE in order to initiate technical studies for GSO aircraft mounted ESOMPs operated in the band 12.75-13.25 GHz with respect to other services including FS.

6. FM44 also initiated a revision process for a large number of ECC Decisions and agreed to hold a web-meeting on 15th March to kick-off the work.

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