
Practical Tips

Although the official releases of SEAMCAT are thoroughly tested thanks to previous test releases, still some residual bugs may show up.

Therefore you are invited to apply certain care when using software in your scenarios and double check the simulation results, following simple usage tips outlined below:

  1. Always check whether the graphical plot of scenario during simulations corresponds to what was intended. However note that scenario elements are plotted following certain sequence, i.e. Wanted Transmitter is always positioned at point 0,0 and positions of all other elements are worked out starting from it, this will in particular have impact on how you see the positioned elements.
  2. For all kinds of scenarios, it is also advisable to at first run your scenario in debug mode (selectable from Simulation control menu) and then review the intermediate results of calculations in the generated log file. Remember to set the number of events to a very low number (1 or 2 events) so that the log file is readable.

  1. Always cross check your results with what you were expecting. It should trigger an extra attention (e.g. manual calculation to verify the expected range of the results)
  2. For complex scenarios (e.g. using many randomly generated parameters, involving multiple interferers, etc), it is advisable to start from simplified scenarios (e.g. with fixed positions/powers of all transceivers), if possible check the results against manual calculations, and then work on gradually introducing new variables or elements into scenario one-by-one and see whether introduced variations lead to expected change tendency of the results.
  3. For CDMA simulations you may use the previously described approach of gradually increasing complexity of scenarios, but in addition it could be a good idea to create some extreme conditions (e.g. setting very insignificant or very powerful interferer to see whether zero-impact or full black-out of the victim CDMA system occurs when/as expected, and so on).
Updated: 13 March 2024, 09:03
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