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Structure proposal

Ralf Trautmann 21/06/11 16:13

Dear colleagues,


The question was raised whether we should update ECC Report 44 or whether we should start our work based on Proposal 1 or Proposal 2. In my opinion first we have to consider which elements a useful report must contain. This leads us to a useful structure and table of content. Then we can fill the report, partly by creating new text and partly simply by copying text from ECC Report 44. Hence my proposal is to use the opportunity and design a new Report. If we simply tried to improve ECC Report 44 we would probably not be able to disassociate ourselves from the existing structure.


Proposals 1 and 2 regarding the structure of a Report both contain their strengths and weaknesses.


The title of Chapter 3 in Proposal 1 should not be limited to monitoring activities. Furthermore, the proposal does not explain the structure of this chapter clear enough.


The title of Chapter 2 in Proposal 2 may be misleading. Nevertheless, the elements addressed here should not be forgotten. The elements may be used in different parts of the Report.


Proposal 1 addresses in Chapter 2 first several issues like licensing in a general way, followed by a chronological order of activities in Chapter 3. In contrast, Proposal 2 starts the chronological order of activities immediately after the introduction.


The first structure should be regarded as a starting point. Depending on the contributions it may be useful to slightly modify the structure. The following structure takes into account the elements of Proposals 1 and 2 and may be used as a basis for further discussion. Some items like accreditation, working infrastructure and supplementary communication means may be discussed under the given items or be included in the table as new items. Sections 5 and 6 are intended as check-lists. However, this may be changed depending on the contributions.


1          Introduction

2          Information search

3          General considerations

3.1       Organization team

3.2       Coordination with other organizations

3.3       Frequency planning

3.4       Licensing

3.5       Fees and money collection

3.6       Labelling

3.7       Interference investigation

3.8       Logistics

3.9       Appearance in public

4          Preparatory actions

4.1       Contacting the organizer of the event

4.2       Plan of action

5          Activities during the event

6          Activities after the event

7          Conclusion


The question of radio coverage which was addressed in the feasibility analysis of proposal 2 could for example be discussed in Section 4.1


Best regards

Ralf Trautmann


[member was deleted] 03/10/11 10:30
Dear coleagues,
Good morning,
I appologize that was not active during some time.
To my opinion the proposal from Germany covers more or less all aspects related to spectrum management during  major events. I did ammend this structure with some Notes which provide better vision of what we are going to have under each section in the Report.
Here is a structure. I propose you to consider a preliminary approval of it in order to submit to WGFM. Based on this structure and Notes I will develop a questionnaire.

1          Introduction

Note:This section in order to introduce the whole report and issues of spectrum management.

2          Information search


3          General considerations

Note:descriptions of types of major events and aspects of spectrum management related to them.

3.1       Organization team

Note:This section in order to show what is team, what functions they have. It may include the examples of real teams worked on major events.

3.2       Coordination with other organizations

Note:how the work of organization team is built and coordination with other entities at the national and international levels.

3.3       Frequency planning

Note:This section dedicated to one of the main topic of spectrum management – frequency planning. It nay contain description of Radio Networks requirements and radio equipments used, definitions of service areas and also other expectations from frequency management/monitoring activities.

3.4       Licensing

Note:This section on licensing. May contain examples license types and proposals on licensing approaches and user registration.

3.5       Fees and money collection

Note:This section is for examples of fees and ways of money collection.

3.6       Labelling

Note:This section is on labeling which may be used by some administrations

3.7       Interference investigation

Note:the section may include all aspects including examples of radio monitoring system, inspections and other organizational measures related to interference investigation.

3.8       Logistics

Note:This section in on how to check and control the stuff and vehicles on major events.

3.9       Appearance in public

Note: aspects related to any public presentation of preparation, requirements, conduction and results with regard to entire major event.

3.10       Other aspects

Note:This section is for any other aspects not covered above.

4          Preparatory actions

Note:it is proposed to have separate section dealing with preparation of major events. Sections 5 and 6 are related to actions at and after events accordingly.

4.1       Contacting the organizer of the event

Note:on cooperation between organizers and spectrum users (operators).

4.2       Plan of action

Note: examples of working procedures and the schedule of the event and their relation to spectrum management.

4.3    Other aspects

Note:This section is for any other aspects including frequency assignment process, inspection etc.

5          Activities during the event

Note:This section is for description of spectrum management actions needed during event.

6          Activities after the event

Note:This section is for description of spectrum management actions needed after event.

7          Conclusion

Note:This section in order to summarize findings of this report


Note: it may contain any application forms used by organizers etc.

[member was deleted] 03/10/11 10:38
I also propose to take into account a structure of ECC Report 44


1.1 Definition of events

1.2 Planning the stages of the Special Event

1.3 Frequency planning

1.4 Application Form

1.5 Licensing

1.6 Labelling

2 Before the special event

3 Just Before the Special Event

3.1 Logistic aspects

3.2 Spectrum monitoring

3.3 Frequency assignment (last minute requests)

3.4 Inspection

3.5 Satellite News Gathering (SNG) transportable earth stations

3.6 Other Activities

4 During the Special Event

5 After the Special Event: debriefing

6 Conclusion


3 ANNEX 2 : Example of framework note

4 ANNEX 3: Bibliography


As it may be seen from the structure of ECC Report 44 it mainly define the steps of the process in connection with time (before, just before, during and after event). This approach is very well related to the real process however does not reflect examples of real cases. Which means that some important aspects are not taken into account, including spectrum requirements, equipments used, monitoring activities etc.

This structure of new Report has some interrelation with structure of ECC Report 44.

It is proposed not to update Report 44 but to use the materials from it for new Report if appropriate.

[member was deleted] 11/10/11 01:00
Dear All,
FM 22 held a meeting last week. THe group briefly discussed the structure for new ECC Report on major events. Here is some thoughts provided by FM 22 to correspondance group. I think it is very useful material for further consideration of the issue. I will use it when preparing the Questionnaire.

Brief thoughts regarding possible topics for inclusion in a report on “Major Events”


Characteristics of Major Events

·         Unusual situations – additional to ‘Business as usual’

·         Increased number of users/services

·         Reduced physical spacing between users

·         Increased response times (interference etc)

·         Increased interest (TV audience etc)

·         Increased risk of interference

·         Co-ordination of equipment from various nationalities (possibly from different ITU regions)

·         Increased Security issues

·         Increased mobile network use – backup communications may be required


Initial Planning for event

Communicate Spectrum Administration role with event organisers to:

·         Establish spectrum usage requirements

·         Establish good working relationship with event organisers

·         Establish list of contacts (expanded as event develops)


Leading up to the event

Spectrum Monitoring (and enforcement?) in order to:

o        Establish current the current frequency use (could be multiple locations) to

·        Compare against existing licensing databases

·        Clean unauthorised use

o        Identifying possible additional useable spectrum

·        Borrowed spectrum (military)Unused

o        Field engineers

·        Establish Equipment

·        Range of tasks

·        Training

o        Interference resolution

o        Provide reference material on engineering code / tips



·         Promote rules and regulations

o        Communicate legal background



Frequency planning

·         Special procedures may be required

·         Frequency Licensing

o        Urgent issuing (Short notice requests nearer event)

o        New procedure

o        Unlicensed (Request notification of ‘license exempt’ frequency use within venue in order to establish all use)

·         Web portal for license applications

·         Fees (and collection)

·         Restrictions (data only / no data etc)

·         Establish ‘Grab Bag’ of ‘spare’ frequencies for emergency use

·         Establish a separate licensing database for the event (or specific filters to only show event licenses)


·        Organisation by administration

o       Human resources

o       Accommodation

o       Transport

·        Branding (uniform, posters)


Just before event

Continue Spectrum Monitoring (and enforcement?) in order to:

o       Clean unauthorised use

o       Provide interference resolution as new issues are discovered


Testing and Tagging of equipment to be used by:

o       Inspection on presentation

o       On-site base stations

Requests for licensing – last minute


During event

o        Interference resolution

·        Requests for licensing – last minute


After event

Establish ‘Lessons Learnt’ log containing details of issues discovered throughout the event process





·         Throughout the process the distribution of information and communication with all parties is essential

·         Ensure appropriate ‘Business as usual’ cover








Annex – Radio users


The following is a (non exclusive) list relating to the type of radio use which could be expected during a Major Event.

·         Radio Microphones (Broadcasters and Public Address)

·         Wireless Cameras (including HD/3D)

·         Satellite News Gathering - uplinks

·         Telemetry – Safety transponders, timing

·         SRD – pocket cameras, RFID

·         In-ear talkback systems

·         Simultaneous translation broadcasts (multiple Band2 FM channels)

·         Private Mobile Radio (PMR)

·         Military activity (inc ships radars)

·         Security Services

·         Public Communications

o        UMTS

o        GSM

o        Wifi

o        Wireless credit card terminals

·         Air rescue

·         Passive use (e.g. GPS)

·         Additional Broadcasting (DVB-T/TV/Radio)

·         Fixed links (point to point microwave)

·         Short range radar

·         Body scanners

·         Emergency services (TETRA, Police, Fire, Medical etc)

·         Deliberate Jamming – GSM, GPS etc

·         Outside sources

o        Radio Amateurs

o        ISM devices

o        International maritime use (if close to coast)





Annex – Background reading


Background reading to ‘Major Events’ subject


o        ECC Report 444 “Guidance for radio usage at special events”

o        ITU 1C/101-E “China would like to propose to this WP 1C Meeting that an ITU-R Report on this topic be developed”

o        ITU 1C/129-E “This document intends to provide general guidance on spectrum management and monitoring during major events.”

o        ITU 1C/141-E “Working document towards a preliminary draft new report”

o        FM22(11)03 Minutes from Spring 2011 meeting “At the last WGFM meeting there was a request from the delegates from Russia to develop a report about frequency management during major events. The Chairman informed that there was some support from other participating administrations for the proposal as well as some concerns expressed by others. In addition he briefly presented a German contribution to ITU-R SG 1 concerning spectrum management and monitoring during major events. ITU-R SG 1 has already started to work on a report on this issue.”

o        FM(11)107 “CG sport events report” – “The prime objective of such ECC Report would be to collate best practices on this issue from around Europe. These events are becoming more prevalent so it would be very useful to have a source document giving good examples of how to deal with various frequency management scenarios which could arise”

o        FM22(07)59 Greece Champions League presentation

o        FM22(08)20 World soccer games in Germany

o        FM22(03)42 Guidance_for_Radio_Usage_at_Special_Events.doc

o        US ECC(10)028 - CAN - Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics

o        FM22(99)24 - Radio use at British Grand Prix

·        France – World Cup 1998

·        info doc from ANFR on special events

·        information from Greece on Olympics in Athens


[member was deleted] 12/10/11 11:41
Dear All
I updated the structure of ECC Report.
See attached file.
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