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Spectrum sensing algorithm (Cognitive radio)

[member was deleted] 27/08/15 10:06

Hello SEAMCAT community,

I am interested in the SEAMCAT simulator because I will do my thesis on it and specifically, I will try to improve the default spectrum sensing algorithm. I just downloaded the source code of SEAMCAT simulator and I would like to know, where can I find the specific java which implements the default algorithm as described in the "SEAMCAT Cognitive radio manual"? Does anyone know or had any experience in changing the algorithm for cognitive radio in the simulator?

Thank you for your time!


[member was deleted] 16/09/15 17:10

Hello Phil,

Please be informed that the upcoming new SEAMCAT version 5.0.0 will be providing a basically new interface to external plugins, of which the EPP (stands for Event Processing Plugin) may fit your demands rather than modifying the source code with the risk of unintended side effects.

The interface to the EPP makes all simulated results available which you may require for the development of an enhanced algorithm for the simulation of cognitive capabilities. These results include for instance the positions of all components, the path loss between components, the simulated antenna gains, the simulated vectors for dRSS and iRSS values and so on.

The first beta version of SEAMCAT 5.0.0 is expected within the next two weeks, so you may download the source code of it as usual from the SEAMCAT Source Code pages as soon as available.

The (beta) source code will be also including some examples of EPPs (on the package org.seamcat.eventprocessing) which could assist you on your first steps into this field :)

In order to get an impression of the power of the new interface you may have a look at the attachment (a JavaDoc of a non-official alpha pre-release which I generated for my personal use).

Btw, the development of an EPP would you additionally allow to compare your improved algorithms with the implemented feature based on the same simulation.


P.S.: the source code project management has been changed to Maven. STG recommends therefore the usage of the IDE IntelliJ IDEA of which a free community version can be downloaded from here.

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